They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don't, that's a lie. There are many untruths being spouted at the RNC. I want the best for my party and my country. As long as Democrats refuse to look, hard and long, in the mirror, and address their own faults, their denial will hurt the party and the country, and their extremism will be but a pendulum swing that inevitably produces extremism in the opposite direction. Refusing personal responsibility and agency eliminates morality and hope for progress. The bad things you are hearing about Democrats? It's all lies, cooked up by those nasty Republicans. This meme doesn't just try to hoodwink the reader it scapegoats Republicans. There is another, more diabolical possibility: those who shared this meme are consciously participating in Orwellian brainwashing attempts. Perhaps the thousands who shared it think that their party is the party of the working man, of patriotism and fair play. The meme is rife with grammatical and punctuation errors, but, more importantly, it is a pack of lies.
It's also on various websites, for example here, and at the Democratic Underground, here. The meme appears on many Facebook pages, including that of 'Will and Grace' actress Debra Messing, here. Leftist friends shared a meme on Facebook during the August 24-27 Republican National Convention.